Ken Fosse is a musician at heart, having played guitar since the age of nine, but writing comes in at a close second. His first real piece of fiction was a collection of hand-written letters, sent off daily to his brother, who was serving time in prison. Written as though a zombie apocalypse had just begun, the letters created a world where it was actually the inmates who were safely living a life of comparative luxury, while those on the outside could barely survive. For months, Kenny wrote, and over time the letters grew into a full-blown story, enjoyed by both prisoners and prison guards alike.
Ken’s younger years were filled with the wild shenanigans that go along with being a guitarist in a band, mixed with working a wide variety of jobs to get the bills paid – everything from selling car warranties to delivering pizzas – whatever allowed him the flexibility to be take a gig offer at a moment’s notice. He spent ten of those years delivering legal papers as a process server, delivering bad news on the daily, mostly to unsuspecting people who couldn’t (or wouldn’t) pay their bills. As a result, Kenny has had many colorful exchanges that thicken one’s skin; punches were thrown, guns were cocked, dogs were sicced, cars were dodged and every other desperate act you can imagine to avoid hearing those dreadful words: “You’re served”.
Today, he’s shifted gears towards writing, teaching, and raising his family. When Kenny isn’t homeschooling his kids, you’ll probably find him working on a story or learning a new musical instrument. He has authored/co-authored several books, post-apocalyptic in nature, and regularly releases short stories from his ongoing series, The Ship Stories.
If you would like to know more about Ken, his newsletter is a great way to do that. Sign up at the bottom of this page and get the inside scoop, including trivia about new Ship Stories coming out and what’s going on in Ken’s life.