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Ken writes short stories for donations, kinda like a street musician. If you have the money, enjoy the work, and want to show your support, you can contribute by clicking the Donate button any time. However, if money is tight, you’re in luck. Just enjoy. Share the stories, drop direct links, and give Ken a follow on social media. You can also help out by liking and subscribing on YouTube… that’s free too.

Newest Releases
The Ship Stories
10,000 Word Short Stories
The Ship Stories are an ever-growing series about the lives and happenings of people living sometime in the not-too-distant future.
Everybody knows about what happened, and everybody knows about “The Ship”. In life, everything is connected, even if the people involved don’t know exactly how.
Follow the expanding cast of characters that inhabit the post-apocalyptic world of The Ship, and see if you can unravel the mysteries for yourself.
Luck of the Draw
Griff and LaRue, a pair of street-wise employees at Shixi’s Hotel, are tasked with acquiring an antique watch… by any means necessary. But when they discover a secret about Griff’s childhood, he has no choice but to take matters into his own hands.
The Tag-Along
Ben is a child prodigy whose reputation as a teacher’s pet tags along with him wherever he goes. But when he ventures into an off-limits area with a pair of older boys, they unearth something more rare than they could have imagined.
Blackberry Wine
Valerie and Mathias are a young couple who decided to settle down and try their hand at homesteading. But when a handful of unwelcome strangers arrive at the house next door, their lives will never be the same.
Priority Number Two
Sal and Travis, two maintenance workers sent deep into the tunnels beneath the city, are assigned to locate the source of a high priority sewer backup. But when they get there, they find more than just a few old pipes…
Books For Sale
Zombie Apocalypse Survival For the Rich & Famous
Money can’t buy you happiness. But it CAN save you from zombies! If you’re part of the 1% now, don’t you want to stay there when the 99% turn into stinky, moaning, shambling cannibal corpses? Of course you do. Zillionaire is an essential guide for the super-rich, rich, or wannabe rich who hope to survive the inevitable zombie apocalypse while coddled in the decadent lap of post-apocalyptic luxury.
Holy Crap!
It's Zombies!
A Zombie Bathroom Reader
One day this book may save your life! They’re coming folks; if it’s a hundred years from now or tomorrow, they’re coming. My purpose is to provide you with the tools necessary to survive a full-on zombie invasion, no matter your circumstances. With this book you may have a fighting chance to survive. Good Luck.
"Fosse has a way of packing fully fleshed, world-building stories into quick, one hour reads. Keep them coming!"
"Great new characters show up in every Ship story ... a unique way of looking at his world through the eyes of many different people."

A Bit About
Ken Fosse
Ken’s main focus these days is cranking out short stories for all. At least once a month, readers can enjoy a new story from his Ship series, always on the house.
Ken doesn’t do sales pipelines or sales funnels. He doesn’t like mailing lists that slowly wear you down, one bundle offer at a time. But he does like freebies with no strings attached, so that’s what he does instead.